CTRG Helps Secure FDA de novo Approval for Innovative OcuCool Device by Recens

CTRG announces its critical contribution to the development and FDA de novo approval of the OcuCool device, a groundbreaking medical technology that offers an alternative to traditional eye anesthesia methods for intravitreal injections.

Developed by RecensMedical, the OcuCool device represents a significant advancement in ophthalmological patient care. This cutting-edge technology provides a non-invasive cooling solution that rapidly delivers anesthesia to the ocular surface with less dependence on pharmaceutical based anesthetics.

Key advantages of the OcuCool device include:

  • Rapid Onset of Ocular Anesthesia: Dramatically shortens overall procedure time.

  • Less Exposure to Pharmaceutical Based Anesthetics: Reduces potential side effects from traditional pharmaceutical based anesthetics.

  • Patient-Centered Design: Provides a critical alternative for patients with pharmaceutical anesthetic allergies.

CTRG played a crucial role in obtaining the comprehensive data necessary for FDA consideration. The device's innovative approach to topical anesthesia showcases RecensMedical's commitment to developing patient-focused medical technologies that improve procedural experiences.

The OcuCool device marks a significant departure from the decades-old Q-Tip and Lidocaine method, offering healthcare providers and patients a more efficient and comfortable solution for intravitreal injections.

To learn more about the OcuCool device and the other great work RecensMedical is performing, visit their website via the links below.

RecensMedical Website and CoolHealth Website

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